Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Keeping It Consistent

I have to myself.

The last time I posted was about a year ago: BP. Before Preschool. Before Potty Mastery took hold (for the DD, now almost 4). At least, I am consistent in the interval of time versus number of posts ratio - just about. I'm not good at math, so there you go.

In the meantime, I set up a complaint page just for the DH to rant about various aspects of society, because I'm just not a good enough (i.e. sympathetic enough) audience for him. DD is leaving her first preschool for another preschool that has PreK to 8th grade.

We, the husband and I, like the idea of keeping the school environment as consistent as possible (hey, there's a theme that I didn't even know I had). For my step-son, we enrolled him in a parochial school to assure that he had that consistency from 5th to 8th grade.

Besides, where we currently live, I'm not well versed regarding each school district's "personality." Our criteria for the first preschool was that it would take a "potty challenged" 3-year-old. We found Children's Choice on Betteravia, which for 3 half-days per week at $61 per week was a deal. The "curriculum" was literature based, which I loved. The teachers in the Preschool option were very patient with my DD who would do well in the potty at home, but would have accidents at school.

A year later, we are grateful for a place where she could expand her social skills and some academic skills all while dealing with the potty issue. I love connecting with her via the literature they read at school. We could talk about the characters and how the various conflicts in the books related to situations at home.

 All in all, I'm experiencing a bit of that bittersweet feeling leaving her first school. So, I'm going to follow the Pinterest trend of having the PS teachers sign Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. I just have to remember to do it at the end of each school year. You know, and keep it consistent.

Uh, see you next year? Haha.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm baaack....

Yes. Yes. I know. Two years and then some between each post on a blog isn't really a good thing. I have no one to blame except now 3-year-old daughter and the not-so-brand-new 10-month old son, and, yes, ME.

A friend once asked what I did to keep my sanity. She exercises. I had to think for a moment (or two) what it was that I did just for me. I told her I journal (I keep three of them; one for each kid and one for myself), I scrapbook (I still have baby pictures of my daughter), and I hula. All activities require someone else to tend to my kids as I chase down my scattered thoughts and energy.

So, here I am "keeping up" with a blog I started two years ago with the intention that I take my mommy eyes to the services, places, and events in the Central Coast. Being that I am a relatively "timid" Hawaii transplant, it took me awhile to get out and about. My first adventures with my children were in the Santa Maria area. Then, I traveled north to San Luis Obispo, Avila and Pismo. I have a few parks, trails and food establishments that I have a definite opinion about. I even ventured into reviewing a few on Yelp - all with the mommy glasses in full focus.

I'm most excited to share my enthusiasm for places like the Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum. This last Christmas I asked Santa Daddy to give us a reciprocal membership and, for $125, two adults and two children from the same household can visit the museum all year long. The great plus with such a membership is that we can visit other discovery museums like the one in San Luis Obispo just a half an hour away.

My daughter gravitates to certain exhibits in the museum like the kitchen, the tractor and the discovery cove. We can spend a great deal of time just pretending to cook and eat. Even though the Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum doesn't have the bells and whistles like the one in SLO, she still enjoys the pretend play and encountering other children her age.

I wish they had like a cool rocket or airplane (you know, to highlight the relationship with Vandenberg or the nearby airport/aviation museum). Perhaps one day, when I win the lottery I can donate a makeshift airline cockpit and first class cabin (at least, I would get to finally sit in a first class seat). It would also be neat to see a connection to the Chumash in the museum. But, that's me, wishing and hoping. Like I said, one day...when I win the lottery.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm a new mom and new to the Central Coast of California. As an explorer of my new community, I've found that some places are more parent and kid friendly than others. I'll post my observations rather than judgment after experiences like dining in a restaurant. Now, I could visit a playground and find it empty one day and very busy the next. Readers should consider that things do change like the mood of a hostess during a dinner rush versus a quiet afternoon lunch. Hope this blog helps people get to know this community as I attempt to figure it out myself.